
Bluebird Uncaged is a collective dedicated to bringing hope and dignity through dance. We believe art shapes culture and we are dedicated to stewarding our gifts with wisdom and excellence in order to point people to Jesus through live performances, international adventures, multimedia, and artist development.
Founded by Rebekah Diaddigo in 2012, Bluebird Uncaged has been a part of a conference opener with more than 20,000 in attendance and danced in music videos. Based in Atlanta, GA, with dancers throughout the US, we’ve produced award winning short films as well as been guest faculty for several programs. Bluebird Uncaged has also served through dance internationally and our annual production of Sterling’s Path, a multimedia fairytale of hope, is a community favorite. From hosting festivals to online Bible studies, we seek to foster community among dance artists. Follow us on social media @bluebirduncaged


Our Mission & Values